Why Should I Tell Others About Christ (Evangelism)?

Why Should I Tell Others About Christ?

From time to time, we should be reminded of why we do (or should do) certain things in our Christian lives.  We have recently posted, again, a list of reasons for pursuing holiness in our walk with the Lord.  Today, we would like to share a bullet-point list of why we should tell others about Christ, also known as "evangelism."  Why should we evangelize?
  1. For our God’s glory
  2. The Lord’s Great Commission
  3. It is commanded specifically throughout the New Testament as well as assumed in all the letters
  4. To save others from the wrath to come
  5. To save others from the pollution and devastation of the present wicked age
  6. To give others hope for the future
  7. To represent our Lord and Savior
  8. Principle from Jesus: It is more blessed to give than to receive
  9. Out of godly love and compassion
  10. We just can’t help it!