Advent - Hope

I believe that the Bible is the Word of God, uniquely inspired by the Holy Spirit and that is why I do the things that I do, that is why I must say no to certain things and yes to others, that is why I am serious when I come into the pulpit, that is why I teach the way I do, and yet the Bible allows me to rest in faith. That is what I would like to do during this Advent season. I would like to rest in faith, enjoy the Scriptures, and enjoy one another.

This is the Advent Season: 1st Advent- Birth of Christ / 2nd Advent- Return of Christ

Hope is a Natural Human Feeling:
We continually want something to come, happen, be found, change, or turn out well. Many of you are hoping for things right now….

Hope is a Fitting Theme to Begin Advent:
Hope of the Birth of Christ and now hope for the Return of Christ. OT looked forward in hope to the birth and the NT looks forward to the return. These are the Advents, the arrival of something long awaited and so momentous – the presence of Christ, Immanuel.

1. The popular idea of hope is that it is a subjective desire or it is to want something very much.
2. The Biblical idea of hope is that it is Desire + Expectation.

"Hope" in the Scriptures:

I. The Source of our Hope
1) God’s Calling and Salvation – Eph 4:4; 1 Pet 1:3
2) The Holy Spirit – Rom 15:13

II. The Substance of our Hope
1) First and Second Advents of Christ – Tit 2:11-13
2) Resurrection of the Dead – 1 Cor 15:20-23
3) Sharing in God’s Glory – Rom 5:1-2

III. The Value of Hope
1) Defining Element of Christianity – Col 1:3-5
2) Strengthens and Encourages – Phil 1:19-20

God was faithful to His promise that He would crush the serpent’s head, that Abraham's seed would bless all the families of the earth, that He would send one like Moses, that He would send His Servant that Isaiah describes. Christ has come in the flesh, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. John says that he beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. That was the first advent.

And He will be faithful in His promise to return. Christ said that if he went to prepare a place for us that He would come again. That is the second advent. That is our hope!