King of My Life, Pt. 1

King of My Life

What does it mean for God to be King of our lives? The Bible refers to God as "King" time and time again. The psalmist, for example, begins Psalm 24 with, "The earth is the Lord's, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein;" and he ends the psalm with, "Who is the King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory!" The last book of the Bible, Revelation, calls Jesus "King of kings" two different times (17:14; 19:16). We even sing hymns with lines such as, "King of my life, I crown Thee now." Again, we may reflect upon the question- What does it mean for God to be King of our lives?

In the first place, the designation must refer to God's sovereignty. He is creator of all, and, therefore, He is ruler of all. When we say, "All" that includes us as well. God is ruler of our lives! So then, we see who He is, but what about on our end? We are creatures, and, therefore, we are subjects. However, we are God's treasured subjects! We are created for His glory, but how wonderfully blessed are we in relation to Him?!

We have the privilege of knowing our creator and being known by Him. He has loved us to the point that He would send His Son to die for us! He has reconciled us by the blood of Christ's cross so that we are not slaves but sons and daughters! He does not force us into slavery but allows us to freely come to Him by grace through faith, and He adopts us as His children. As His children, we voluntarily serve Him because we love and admire Him.

These are just a few reflections on what it means for God to be King of our lives. Maybe we can share more thoughts on this subject next week.