Attacks on Biblical Christianity

Attacks on Biblical Christianity found in the Winston-Salem Journal

This midweek article will be longer than usual, but my hope is that you will take the time to carefully read it to the end. Two important articles appeared in the Winston-Salem Journal last week. I say “important” not because of positive content but because of what they demonstrate about the world around us, even what many would call the “Christian” community at large. The fact that these articles have been published right here in our own community only deepens the weight of importance. The first article was on May 11 titled, “Moravian synod will let gay clergy marry” by John Hinton, and the second article was on May 12 titled, “Taking a closer look at the Bible” by Earl Crow in the religion section.

Now, the Winston-Salem Journal is not known for its conservative stance on anything, really. The paper continuously promotes the agenda of the left, like many news outlets today. Of course, we are not those who only want the right promoted. We want a balanced perspective. We want to hear things out of both camps, and we want the news to be reported fairly and consistently.

Another caveat before discussing the articles: Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not one to “cry wolf” about every little thing that happens. I have even been recorded as saying that Christians need to stop grumbling about things that are not really persecution, things such as “taking prayer out of schools” and “removing in God we trust” off of this or that. These events certainly mark a change in our nation’s history and speak of the fundamental changes in our culture’s thinking, but these things are not “persecution.” It is most likely good that prayer was taken out of school—I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a Mormon teacher or Muslim teacher leading my children in prayer. So, I’m not playing the victim role in this note. I intend to share a perspective on these things from a historically Christian and biblically orthodox point of view.

First, we received news that the Moravian Church has approved a resolution affirming homosexual “marriages.” Both members and the ministers of the Moravian Churches who identify as gay are now allowed to “marry” someone of their same sex. Of course, it did not take long for the Moravian leaders to be quoted using buzzwords such as unitywelcomingrespectfullovingdiversityopen, and affirming. All of these words are used with an agenda in mind and most of them have been redefined. This new out of the Moravians is not too surprising. Anyone familiar with the situation knew it was coming at some point. Yet, it really hits home because of the influence the Moravians have in the Winston-Salem area. Many of us already knew and now it is official that most Moravian churches and ministers cannot be trusted because they do not believe the Bible.

Second, we have all learned that Earl Crow is not an Evangelical, but let me say emphatically that he does not represent historic and biblical Christianity in any way. He represents his own beliefs and consistently shrinks away from honestly portraying and interpreting biblical doctrines. But, why would we expect anything different? He does not believe that the Bible is the Word of God and has stated that Paul was wrong on this or that, and the Old Testament saints were in error on many things. He began writing these articles about Christianity and the Bible in the Winston-Salem Journal by “beating around the bush.” At first, he would drop hints that he didn’t like this or that about biblical Christianity. Now, he flat out says that he does not trust the Bible. 

He was asked squarely in the last religion section article, “Do you believe [the Bible] is the word of God?” His answer in one word: No. He basically says that the Bible has errors, we can question passages, the Bible is merely man-made, biblical authors disagree with one another, he has “questions” about the Scriptures, passages are “troubling,” and he insinuates that it is absurd to believe every word of the Bible. He quickly gets to the issue of same-sex relations, as he usually does nowadays, and asserts that the Bible and Bible-believing Christians are wrong on the issue. He wholeheartedly believes that same-sex relations are acceptable and not sin. His argument in this article, and in many that have come before it, rests upon his own opinion and vague references to “most who study the issue” and science and the like. Let me say, there is nodefinitive research that affirms that anyone is “born gay.” Besides that point, Crow is saying that science can undo what the Scriptures clearly teach because biblical authors, in his opinion, were unsophisticated in their scientific knowledge. Well, we certainly see his understanding of the Bible. It is basically a book among many books that we can glean a few bits of wisdom from here and there. He makes it all about the “love of God” and about Jesus. Calling something sin, believing in right and wrong, is apparently not loving. What’s interesting to me is that Earl Crow must be skimming through the Gospels in his Bible because mine clearly records Jesus confronting sin, calling for repentance, forgiving sin but demanding that we go and sin no more, and even DYING FOR OUR SIN. The whole purpose in the incarnation was to “save sinners.” And, to the specific point of sexuality, Jesus Himself said that from the beginning God created us male and female, and God has ordained that a man leave his parents and be joined to his wife as the two are made one. Jesus taught marriage between one man and one woman.

Now, we are not those who only want to confront one sin (e.g. homosexuality), but the liberal Christians and the “sexual revolution” agenda has made this one issue THE make or break issue. Here is where we must make a decision about God and the Bible, plant our flag, and hold our ground. We are not the ones who have highlighted this subject, but we have been forced into the battle. Let us take a stand and hold to our biblical convictions. If we give up ground on this issue, we will not only lose the battle, but we will lose the war for our Faith.

We should note that Crow is ordained by the United Methodist Church which has been trying for years to go down that same road that the Moravians have finally traversed. In fact, both denominations formed committees last year at their annual meetings to “study” these issues. Many have predicted that at some point soon, the Methodists will somehow push the “sexual revolution” agenda through, one way or another. Mainline protestants and Methodists like Crow have followed the culture and not the Creator, and their denominations and churches have suffered the consequences as they continue to dwindle.

I have called these articles “attacks on biblical Christianity.” The articles themselves somewhat indirectly attack us, yes, but the decisions and institutions they represent definitely attack us directly in that they are tearing down the authority of the Bible and the God who inspired it. They are spitting in the face of the Creator who has made us male and female. Once we redefine this termor reinterpret that passage, we have lost everything. So, what do we need to do in light of these two articles and the strong winds of political correctness blowing against us? We need to resolve to do two things:
(1) Remain steadfast and firm in our biblical convictions, and
(2) We need to share the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ more clearly and more passionately than ever. 

To conclude, let me quote the well-known, 19thcentury hymn: “We have heard the joyful sound: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Spread the tidings all around: Jesus saves! Jesus saves! Bear the news to every land, climb the mountains, cross the waves; Onward! ’tis our Lord’s command; Jesus saves! Jesus saves!” The message we must proclaim is repent of your sins, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved!