Becoming a Good Samaritan: Who is My Neighbor?

Luke 10:25-37


READ Scripture- This is the Word of God

Point 1: Interchange [vv25-29]
1) Lawyer – Question  “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?”
2) Jesus – Question  “What is written in the law?”
3) Lawyer – Answer  Love God and love neighbor
4) Jesus – Answer  “Do this and you will live.”
*This sounds much like the exchange between Jesus and the rich ruler. In fact, Lk 18:18 tells us that the ruler asked the same question.

5) Lawyer – Question  “Who is my neighbor?”

Eternal Life = Love God [Dt 6:5] and Love Neighbor [Lev 19:18]
*We will come back to these two Scriptures.*

Point 2: Parable [vv30-35]
*Jericho to Jerusalem – 17 miles of treacherous territory, barren, hilly, known for its threats
**The story is told from the perspective of the victim.
A. Priest = saw, passed on other side
B. Levite = looked, passed on other side (2nd ranking, descendants of Levi but not Aaron)

C. Samaritan (descendants of mixed population, part Jew, built own temple, formed their own version of the Pentateuch, their own liturgy, their own religious literature, though we can not be sure to what extent this carried but Jews and Samaritans had bad relations)
1. saw, compassion (all 3 saw with their own eyes, Samaritan had compassion)
SEE Matt 9:36; 14:14; 15:32; 20:24
2. bandaged wounds, poured oil/wine (for healing and disinfectant)
3. set him on his own animal (he walked the rest of the trip)
4. brought him to inn (danger of being seen in public with wounded man)
5. took care of him (risked his own safety)
6. invested resources (over 2 weeks worth, promised more if needed)

Point 3: Christian Distinctive
A. If we give the inquiring lawyer the benefit of the doubt for testing Jesus then it appears that he had the book-answer for the original question that he asked, but he did not have a real-life application or understanding of it.

B. ***Through faith in Jesus the two commands, love God and love neighbor, are fused into one. This is the distinctive:
a. There are many who love God and neglect their neighbors.
b. There are many who love their neighbors and couldn’t care less about God.
*Notice in Lev 19:18 that a command to love our neighbor ends with “I am Yahweh.”
- Serving others is serving God. SEE 1 Jn 4:20-21

Point 4: Becoming a Good Samaritan [vv36-37]
A. “Go and do likewise.”

B. The lawyer is forced to say that the Samaritan acted neighborly.

C. Since the story is told from the perspective of the victim, we are, in essence, challenged to take up the victim’s perspective. We are to take up our neighbor’s perspective.

God has said, “I desire mercy and not sacrifice.” The Scripture also asks, “What does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?”

We are called to show mercy, have compassion, meet needs…

I hope that you take up the challenge in the next six weeks or so to become a Good Samaritan.